In a way, 607/ 537 B.C. is like the New World Translation's rendering of John 1:1 - i.e. no matter how controversial (or utterly ridiculous!) the idea; you can usually find somebody to agree with you:
- even perhaps someone with pretentions to scholarship.
HOWEVER ....... it is a long way from finding some scholar who will agree with your controversial theory, to being able to state with justification that " Secular and Bible Chronology agree on this (cardinal) date, as the WTS does about 607/ 537 B.C.
In the book "Crisis of Concsience", Raymond Franz stated that he, when preparing the WTS "Aid to Bible Understanding", had to go out of his way to stretch the facts to "support" the claim that both Biblical (read WTS) and Secular history agreeing to particularly the date 537 B.C.
That is WTS "Scholarship" at its finest - come up with an idea; then twist the facts to "support" it.
I was an avid reader of the results of WTS pseudo-scholarship for over 30 years, beginning during my formative years. I now understand why I have been so F###ed up for much of my life!